Ntrol (arrows) Sections on the right (iii, vi, ix) represent negative controls in which the primary antibody was omitted. Bar i, ii, iii = 100 ; bar iv, v, vi = 57 ; bar vii, viii, ix 10781694 = 20 .doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068146.gLack of Hemopexin Results in Duodenal Iron LoadFigure 5. Hx deficiency does not affect the expression of duodenal heme transporters. (A) qRT-PCR analysis of PCFT/ HCP1, FLVCR1, ABCG2 and HRG-1 expression in the duodenum of Linolenic acid methyl ester chemical information wild-type and MedChemExpress Benzocaine Hx-null mice. Transcript abundance, normalized to 18S RNA expression, is expressed as a fold increase over a calibrator sample. Data represent mean ?SEM, n= 6 for each genotype. (B) Representative Western blot of PCFT/HCP1 expression in the duodenum of wild-type and Hx-null mice. Band intensities were measured by densitometry and normalized to actin expression. Densitometry data represent mean ?SEM; n=3 for each genotype. Results shown are representative of 3 independent experiments.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068146.gLack of Hemopexin Results in Duodenal Iron LoadFigure 6. Hx deficiency results in enhanced iron uptake in the duodenum cells. (A) 57Fe retention in the duodenal mucosa of wild-type and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 30, 60, 90, 135 and 180 minutes after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57FeSO4. Control mice were administered vehicle 16985061 solution and represented the “0” time point of the experiment. Values are expressed as g 57Fe/ g tissue. Data represent mean ?SEM; n=6 for each experimental point; *** = P<0.001 (comparing control mice with the corresponding group of 57FeSO4-administered mice), # # = P<0.01 (comparing the two genotypes). (B) 57Fe retention in the duodenal mucosa of wild-type and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 30, 60, 90 and 135 minutes after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57Fe labelled heme (57Fe-heme). Control mice were administered vehicle solution and represented the "0" time point of the experiment. Values are expressed as g 57Fe/ g tissue. Data represent mean ?SEM; n=6 for each experimental point; *** = P<0.001 (comparing control mice with the corresponding group of 57Fe-heme-administered mice), # = P<0.05 (comparing the two genotypes).doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068146.gLack of Hemopexin Results in Duodenal Iron LoadFigure 7. Hx deficiency does not affect iron transfer from the duodenum to other tissues. (A) 57Fe retention in the liver of wild-type and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 30, 60, 90, 135 and 180 minutes after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57FeSO4. Control mice were administered vehicle solution and represented the "0" time point of the experiment. Values are expressed as g 57Fe/ g tissue. Data represent mean ?SEM; n=6 for each experimental point; * = P<0.05, ** = P<0.01 (comparing control mice with the corresponding group of 57FeSO4-administered mice). (B) 57Fe retention in the bone marrow of wildtype and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 48 hours after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57FeSO4. Control mice were administered vehicle solution and represented the "0" time point of the experiment. Values are expressed as g 57Fe/ g tissue. Data represent mean ?SEM; n=10 for each experimental point; * = P<0.05. (C) 57Fe retention in the kidney of wild-type and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 30, 60, and 90 minutes after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57FeSO4. Control mice were administered vehicle solution and represented the "0".Ntrol (arrows) Sections on the right (iii, vi, ix) represent negative controls in which the primary antibody was omitted. Bar i, ii, iii = 100 ; bar iv, v, vi = 57 ; bar vii, viii, ix 10781694 = 20 .doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068146.gLack of Hemopexin Results in Duodenal Iron LoadFigure 5. Hx deficiency does not affect the expression of duodenal heme transporters. (A) qRT-PCR analysis of PCFT/ HCP1, FLVCR1, ABCG2 and HRG-1 expression in the duodenum of wild-type and Hx-null mice. Transcript abundance, normalized to 18S RNA expression, is expressed as a fold increase over a calibrator sample. Data represent mean ?SEM, n= 6 for each genotype. (B) Representative Western blot of PCFT/HCP1 expression in the duodenum of wild-type and Hx-null mice. Band intensities were measured by densitometry and normalized to actin expression. Densitometry data represent mean ?SEM; n=3 for each genotype. Results shown are representative of 3 independent experiments.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068146.gLack of Hemopexin Results in Duodenal Iron LoadFigure 6. Hx deficiency results in enhanced iron uptake in the duodenum cells. (A) 57Fe retention in the duodenal mucosa of wild-type and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 30, 60, 90, 135 and 180 minutes after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57FeSO4. Control mice were administered vehicle 16985061 solution and represented the “0” time point of the experiment. Values are expressed as g 57Fe/ g tissue. Data represent mean ?SEM; n=6 for each experimental point; *** = P<0.001 (comparing control mice with the corresponding group of 57FeSO4-administered mice), # # = P<0.01 (comparing the two genotypes). (B) 57Fe retention in the duodenal mucosa of wild-type and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 30, 60, 90 and 135 minutes after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57Fe labelled heme (57Fe-heme). Control mice were administered vehicle solution and represented the "0" time point of the experiment. Values are expressed as g 57Fe/ g tissue. Data represent mean ?SEM; n=6 for each experimental point; *** = P<0.001 (comparing control mice with the corresponding group of 57Fe-heme-administered mice), # = P<0.05 (comparing the two genotypes).doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068146.gLack of Hemopexin Results in Duodenal Iron LoadFigure 7. Hx deficiency does not affect iron transfer from the duodenum to other tissues. (A) 57Fe retention in the liver of wild-type and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 30, 60, 90, 135 and 180 minutes after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57FeSO4. Control mice were administered vehicle solution and represented the "0" time point of the experiment. Values are expressed as g 57Fe/ g tissue. Data represent mean ?SEM; n=6 for each experimental point; * = P<0.05, ** = P<0.01 (comparing control mice with the corresponding group of 57FeSO4-administered mice). (B) 57Fe retention in the bone marrow of wildtype and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 48 hours after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57FeSO4. Control mice were administered vehicle solution and represented the "0" time point of the experiment. Values are expressed as g 57Fe/ g tissue. Data represent mean ?SEM; n=10 for each experimental point; * = P<0.05. (C) 57Fe retention in the kidney of wild-type and Hx-null mice measured by ICP-MS 30, 60, and 90 minutes after oral administration of a solution containing 20 mmol/L 57FeSO4. Control mice were administered vehicle solution and represented the "0".