Al mol [Urea]50 (M) [Urea]50 (M) DGD-N (kcal/mol) kon (mM21s21) koff (extrapolated) (s21 21cpSAP97PDZ2 1.2060.081 1.460.22 2.0060.091 2.160.12 2.460.21 2.9360.02 3.060.2 1.860.M M21) )1.2060.08 1.0460.04 3.9360.06 3.9460.03 4.760.31 8.760.1 2 1from the denatured state D to the native state N (illustrated by the first phase in Figure 4A) but also by the transition between D and Dcis-P. Because of the low rate constants, as discussed below, we postulate this heterogeneity in denatured states to arise from a denatured state with at least one proline in cis conformation (hence Dcis-P). The slow phase in Fig. 4A would then represent the transition from Dcis-P to the equilibrium intermediate I. In Figure 4C, we demonstrate that our data on cpSAP97 PDZ2 can be fitted to the square model by using the program Copasi [29], which simulates how the concentrations of the different species change with time in the folding reaction. Normal curve fitting was difficult to employ since the equation describing the square model is very complex.)2.462.3 2.160.koff (displacement) (s21)1Proline Isomerization is the Likely Cause of the Slow PhaseThe folding of some proteins containing prolines is slowed down due to the proline cis-trans isomerization, which gives rise to an additional folding phase [30,31]. Some of these proteins have been reported to fold according to a square scheme [32]. The cpSAP97 PDZ2 has three prolines that are located at positions 326, 343 and 405. Hence, it is possible that one of the phases in our suggested square model comes from a proline phase, as outlined below. From the interrupted unfolding experiments we found that the fractions of D and Dcis-P at 4 M urea, 12.5 mM HCl, 2.5 mM potassium phosphate, were 78 and 22 , respectively. These numbers were used when fitting data to the interrupted un/ refolding experiments with Copasi (Figure 4C). The observed ratio is Calciferol web similar to those previously reported for prolines in cis and trans position in small peptides and other proteins [33,34]. Furthermore, from our interrupted refolding experiment, the rate of interconversion between D and Dcis-P was also similar to thatShared mD-N alue in the curve fitting. Free fitting. 3 From ref. [51]. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050055.tdouble exponential way, but the rise from 0 to 24272870 maximum Madrasin site amplitude is faster than the dead-time of the stopped flow instrument in the sequential mix setup (the minimum delay time between the first and the second mix being in the order of 10 ms). Together, these experiments illustrate that at least four states are involved in the folding of cpSAP97 PDZ2. The simplest reaction scheme to describe such folding data is a square model with two more compact states (I and N) and two denatured, expanded species 15857111 (D and Dcis-P). Our suggested folding model for cpSAP97 PDZ2 is shown in Figure 5. In the interrupted refolding experiment the fast phase would be represented by the transitionFigure 3. Analysis of the two different phases in kinetic folding experiments. Chevron plots of cp- and pwtSAP97 PDZ2 in 50 mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.5, showing the rate constants corresponding to the two observed phases. The black continuous line shows an onpathway fit to the kobs values for cpSAP97 PDZ2. The fits to off-pathway and triangular schemes were equally good and are not shown. For cpSAP97 PDZ2 the phase with the largest amplitude is always the fastest one, while for pwtSAP97 PDZ2 the phase with the largest amplitude is the fastest one bet.Al mol [Urea]50 (M) [Urea]50 (M) DGD-N (kcal/mol) kon (mM21s21) koff (extrapolated) (s21 21cpSAP97PDZ2 1.2060.081 1.460.22 2.0060.091 2.160.12 2.460.21 2.9360.02 3.060.2 1.860.M M21) )1.2060.08 1.0460.04 3.9360.06 3.9460.03 4.760.31 8.760.1 2 1from the denatured state D to the native state N (illustrated by the first phase in Figure 4A) but also by the transition between D and Dcis-P. Because of the low rate constants, as discussed below, we postulate this heterogeneity in denatured states to arise from a denatured state with at least one proline in cis conformation (hence Dcis-P). The slow phase in Fig. 4A would then represent the transition from Dcis-P to the equilibrium intermediate I. In Figure 4C, we demonstrate that our data on cpSAP97 PDZ2 can be fitted to the square model by using the program Copasi [29], which simulates how the concentrations of the different species change with time in the folding reaction. Normal curve fitting was difficult to employ since the equation describing the square model is very complex.)2.462.3 2.160.koff (displacement) (s21)1Proline Isomerization is the Likely Cause of the Slow PhaseThe folding of some proteins containing prolines is slowed down due to the proline cis-trans isomerization, which gives rise to an additional folding phase [30,31]. Some of these proteins have been reported to fold according to a square scheme [32]. The cpSAP97 PDZ2 has three prolines that are located at positions 326, 343 and 405. Hence, it is possible that one of the phases in our suggested square model comes from a proline phase, as outlined below. From the interrupted unfolding experiments we found that the fractions of D and Dcis-P at 4 M urea, 12.5 mM HCl, 2.5 mM potassium phosphate, were 78 and 22 , respectively. These numbers were used when fitting data to the interrupted un/ refolding experiments with Copasi (Figure 4C). The observed ratio is similar to those previously reported for prolines in cis and trans position in small peptides and other proteins [33,34]. Furthermore, from our interrupted refolding experiment, the rate of interconversion between D and Dcis-P was also similar to thatShared mD-N alue in the curve fitting. Free fitting. 3 From ref. [51]. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050055.tdouble exponential way, but the rise from 0 to 24272870 maximum amplitude is faster than the dead-time of the stopped flow instrument in the sequential mix setup (the minimum delay time between the first and the second mix being in the order of 10 ms). Together, these experiments illustrate that at least four states are involved in the folding of cpSAP97 PDZ2. The simplest reaction scheme to describe such folding data is a square model with two more compact states (I and N) and two denatured, expanded species 15857111 (D and Dcis-P). Our suggested folding model for cpSAP97 PDZ2 is shown in Figure 5. In the interrupted refolding experiment the fast phase would be represented by the transitionFigure 3. Analysis of the two different phases in kinetic folding experiments. Chevron plots of cp- and pwtSAP97 PDZ2 in 50 mM potassium phosphate, pH 7.5, showing the rate constants corresponding to the two observed phases. The black continuous line shows an onpathway fit to the kobs values for cpSAP97 PDZ2. The fits to off-pathway and triangular schemes were equally good and are not shown. For cpSAP97 PDZ2 the phase with the largest amplitude is always the fastest one, while for pwtSAP97 PDZ2 the phase with the largest amplitude is the fastest one bet.